Create Ideal Families


The Third Blessing is a dominion of love where everyone lives as one huge family. A family takes care of the weak. A family is sensitive to the individual. The UC needs to create deep love between the members as friends who will die for each other. This will only happen when members live close together in trinities and groups of trinities. UC members in America haven't lived in trinities because there was no stability. Everything was so mobile no one could get roots and form a community. We have been like gypsies camped outside town. Now it's time to go into Canaan and build a stronger community than others. It's time to sink roots, instead of pulling them up. One of the curses of the UC and 20th century America has been it mobility. The good side was that travel can help a person to not get provincial and open up to other types of people. The negatives far outweigh the positives in losing extended families and communities. For most people the grass wasn't greener on the other hill. Robert Nisbet in Twilight of Authority says that America gave up its focus on local community and even disparaged it in the 1920s. This is the trend I have written of in my books that show how America threw out so many good things from the Victorians. Nisbet says, "World War I is, I think, the sharp dividing line. Afterward interest in local community did not attain its earlier intensity, flavor, and eloquence. The influence of Woodrow Wilson and his New Freedom in this country and of Lenin in European radical thought had a great deal to do with turning revolutionary and progressive thought away from its concern with locality or, for that matter, any of the smaller unities. The nation, the centralized nation freed of local community became the symbol of reaction, dullness, mediocrity, and oppression of mind. Sinclair Lewis's Main Street, Babbitt, and other novels were only the most popular of a literature in the 1920's that satirized, caricatured, and pilloried the village or small town. And such rendering of local roots was in keeping with the increasing nationalism to be seen in the social sciences, in education, and in government policy from World War I on."

One of the great losses of the migration to the city was loss of love for nature. Many people take care of their yard and do some gardening, but people need more than that to nurture their spirit. Stressful two week vacations to national parks is not enough. The UC should live in communities that have some acreage for adults to walk. The Victorians would go on walks. Children need to run. And dogs need space too. We need to get back to the rhythm of small communities where people know and care for each other. Some of my greatest memories are time I spent on my grandparent's farm eating an organic juicy peach right off the tree, gathering eggs, riding a horse, playing in the barn, hunting for squirrels and rabbits as I walked along a stream. It is magic to wake up to the sights and sounds of nature and a loving community.


Let's play with numbers. If every UC family had an average of ten children by themselves or by adopting, and each of those children had 10 children, there would be 100 grandchildren. The next generation would be 1000, then 10,000, then 100,000 then one million. Within a few generations one couple could have a large city of just their descendants. If every UC couple had more than 10 children, and I assume many would want to adopt from third world countries, just think of the joy it would bring to God to save those children and to see His family become the most powerful and exciting group on earth.


The UC needs to start building cities with lots of green space that supply most of the food locally. This will end the terrible erosion and use of chemicals that agribusiness uses because it thinks it has to use to make a profit. Planned communities are more ecological. Fallen man is so inefficient. They should have dry toilets that convert human waste to compost. This compost will not be used in gardens because it may have deadly germs. It will be disposed of in a safe place in the acreage of the community. Also, John Stossel of ABC News had an interesting segment about how dangerous organic food can be because farmers and gardeners often use manure to fertilize the plants. Some people have died eating organic food because it has deadly toxins like e-coli. It makes sense that manure should never be used on plants that are for human consumption. Human compost from dry toilets and manure should be used for such things as flowers or buried in ground away from land used for farming.

M. Scott Peck said, "In and through community lies the salvation of the world." More and more people are beginning to realize that life is better in a community. There are more and more books on the subject. Carolyn Shaffer writes in Creating Community Anywhere: "Only two or three generations ago, community was a fact of life for most people. Neighbors left their doors open, helped each other build things, and kept an eye out for one another's well-being. In 1930, less than eight percent of American households consisted of a single person, and many families occupied the same house for generations."

"Today, almost a quarter of U.S. households consist of people living alone. Doors, literally and figuratively, are closed and locked to keep out crime and strangers. Americans move so frequently that direct mail marketers consider a two-year-old mailing list hopelessly out of date; more than thirty percent of the addresses will have changed in that time. More and more women, who used to be the caretakers of community while the men pursued opportunities in the larger world, now find it necessary to work outside the home as well. Neither women nor men feel they have much time to maintain the ties of mutual support. It is commonplace for families as well as singles to have little or no contact with others who live only a door or two away."

"Earlier generations relied upon family and community for different functions than people do today. Not that many decades ago, relatives and neighbors helped each other give birth at homes and eventually die there. They nursed one another to health, took in orphaned children of brothers and sisters who died young, and gave up personal ambitions to carry on the family business or to care for an aging parent. Today, institutions and professionals have taken over many of these roles. People go to hospitals, schools, and nursing homes to receive health care and education."

George Will wrote, "Clearly this nation, though steeped in the severe individualism of the frontier notion of freedom, has a yearning for the community feeling that comes from collective undertakings...The question is whether any enterprise other than war can tap that yearning." Father's war against Satan and his dream of the whole world being blessed and living in condominiums will accomplish this.

Robert Nisbet wrote, "The towering moral problem of the age [is] the problem of community lost and community regained." Walt Whitman wrote:

I dream'd in a dream I saw
a city
invincible to the attacks
of the whole rest of the
I dream'd that was the new city
of Friends.

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