Medieval Communes -- Monasteries for Monks and Nuns
The catholic
church has had monasteries for monks and nuns for almost 2000 years.
They have taken a life of obedience, poverty and celibacy. They eat
together, pray together, and work together, usually in seclusion. My
favorite movie is Brother Sun, Sister Moon. I am moved every
time I watch this story of St. Francis of Assisi. It is also sad that
so many well meaning people who loved Jesus have been so utterly
stupid. Because he died before he could educate people on how to be
mature, mankind has often thought Jesus meant for people to live in
poverty. It is understandable that sensitive men
and women would want to this. This world is so brutal and harsh. But
they have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. God wants people to
live in this world even though they are to be, as the Bible says,
"not of this world." It is wrong to read the Bible and think God
wants some people to never marry, have children and live in
isolation. To really find and know God, we must be like God. God is a
parent. We must become parents. And God wants his people to witness
and convert people to live a pure life. And a life in the world. Men
are to grow also by competing in the market place. Women are to grow
by managing the house of children and caring for the elders instead
of sending children to day care centers and public schools while go
off to a job in an old folks home. Senior citizens are supposed be
taken care of at home by those who are madly in love with them.
Because the Pope and his "cult" (by using the definition of anti-cult
people) violate the laws of the universe, they must eventually give
up their childish ways, grow up and get married.