Foreign affairs
As usual Fallen Man cannot walk the line of truth and wavers back and forth. Libertarians are no exception. Their blind spot is in foreign affairs. They want to keep our military within the borders of America. They are influenced by Satan in believing that we should not have fought overseas in wars such as World War II and the Korean War.
One of the most famous think tanks
for Libertarians is the Cato Institute. It puts out satanic books
against America sacrificing abroad. An example is the book Korea
and U.S. Foreign Policy by Doug Bandow. In a review in the New
York Times a writer on Korea, Frank Gibney,
quite rightly criticizes him for advocating that America withdraw our
37,000 troops from South Korea. He writes, "Mr. Bandow hugely
underestimates the catastrophe for the region that would result from
a North Korean attack on Seoul, even assuming that the good guys win
in the end."
Libertarian's blind spot on foreign policy hurts the cause of limiting government domestically. If they are so irresponsible in area of foreign affairs, people are inclined to think they are nuts on everything else. It is painful to see libertarians shoot themselves in the foot with their gutless and stupid stand against fighting evil abroad.
While we are on the topic of the military let's be clear on what Father wants America and those nations on the Abel side to do. Father believes in fighting evil men when they attack. He is for the wars fought in Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf. He lashes out at America for being weak and not fighting enough and when they do, they don't fight strongly enough.
As I write, President Clinton has sent troops to Bosnia and so far the fighting has stopped. It took three years of watching on the evening news hundreds of thousands of people die and hearing stories of tens of thousands of women raped before America acted. It is disgraceful and shameful that America is so slow and timid against evil. In the day of hope tour in 1973 Father didn't hold back his contempt at America for not sacrificing enough. In God's Hope for Man speech in America he told Americans that they must be sacrificial: "It is a recognized fact that when America demonstrated the spirit of service and sacrificial duty in the world and went out of her way to help others in their need -- when America gave lives, money, and a helping hand -- she enjoyed a golden age. But now America has a selfish attitude. The domestic problems today are very difficult. America's situation is chaotic. Today there are greater division, more corruption, and graver problems choking this land."
It is even more sad that many Republicans, who are supposed to be the Abel side, were some of the greatest opponents to Clinton. Newsweek magazine wrote, "In the House, a meaningless letter asking the president not to send troops gained more than 200 signatures last week." Time magazine had an article titled "Uncertain Beacon" with a picture of a lighthouse. It said, "Bosnia proves two things: that the world needs U.S. leadership, and that Americans don't care to provide it .... 'If you look at the results, from Bosnia to Haiti,' Clinton said recently, 'from the Middle East to Northern Ireland, it proves once again that American leadership is indispensable and that without it our values, our interests and peace itself would be at risk.'"
"There is only one problem: the American people could hardly care less. More than that -- they are actively hostile to the notion of American leadership if it requires risking American lives .... They are not convinced that their sons and daughters should die for the sake of Sarajevo."
As I pound away in this book, one of the reasons we are so weak is that now "daughters" are sent to war. Time magazine goes on to say how "the U.S. has always tended to turn in on itself -- Washington famously maintained in his farewell address that 'it is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.' Jefferson, too, warned against 'entangling alliances.' Washington and Jefferson were wrong. It's always a challenge to find baby and bathwater in every situation.
Some of the arguments people have is that we should not intervene when the U.S. is not directly threatened. But that is not how we decide if we will act abroad. America is called by God to be the world policeman. We are to be like a grown-up parent who stops little children from blooding each other. Unfortunately, fallen man is about 16 years old spiritually and can't ever really be good at fighting Satan. Time quotes a Republican Congressman, Mark Neumann of Wisconsin, saying this immature and pathetic statement, "I evaluate whether this is something we should be doing based on my 18-year-old son. If I were to ask the question, Do I think my son should go to Bosnia?, I would have to answer no." So much for the Good Samaritan. So much for carrying the cross.
Men are so wimpified in the 20th century it is beyond words to express the pain countless millions have suffered because good men did nothing. The greatest act of cowardice in the 20th century was Truman firing McArthur and dooming the parents of the Messiah in North Korea to slavery. That Americans can watch TV and see sunken-eyed prisoners, defenseless men shot down into mass graves, thousands of hysterical women and girls tell of the horror of being gang-raped, and blood flowing down streets as children lay dead in Bosnia and then do nothing is unconscionable. But what do you do expect if men are no longer men. Men have no power because they have no masculinity. They let women boss them as congresswomen and in their business and in their home.
Satan cannot kill men's spirit completely. Feminism hasn't completely won. As much as Vice-President Al Gore is wrong on domestic issues, I appreciate him helping Clinton to have the guts to do something about the genocide in Bosnia. Newsweek reported that Gore "was appalled by the picture of a young Muslim woman who fled into the woods and hanged herself. 'My daughter asked me the other day why we weren't doing something about it,' Gore said. None of the assembled had an answer. 'Everyone around the room was very, very quiet,' says the administration official."
Abel often fails as we see when Time reported that when the administration sent people to Congress to talk about sending troops many Republicans were hostile. "Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe said, 'If we're going to have hundreds of young Americans dying over there,' demanded Inhofe, glaring at Defense Secretary William Perry, 'is this mission justification for their deaths?' Perry stared straight at his inquisitor. 'Yes,' he replied unflinchingly."
Why have so many American men become so weak? Stephen Carter ended his book Integrity saying it is a disgrace that America did not help Bosnia sooner: "We saw in the aggression of the Bosnian Serbs the ruthless destruction of another people. Concentration camps. Mass murders. Rape, evidently as policy, to ensure an intermixing of bloodlines. For more than two years, the West did little more than wring its hands .... Some critics of American policy have argued that our strange willingness to do little proves that America has no principles other than those that happen to affect our citizens directly -- at least none worth fighting for .... We talk much nowadays of character education, which has always been, and remains, a fine idea. But the principal education for character that we do, we do by example. Virtually every proposed curriculum on values teaches children that genocide is wrong. In Bosnia, there is aggression and there is genocide, and America, like the rest of the world, took years to decide that there was something at stake worth fighting for. That dawdling will teach our children far more loudly than any values curriculum that we do not after all mean what we say."
"I ask again: What crime could be more horrible than genocide? If we do not see the planned elimination of a people as the horror of horrors, then what, as Moynihan asked, was the twentieth century for? And if we do see it as a horror, then what could more powerfully test our national will? Is that really how America of the late twentieth century is to be remembered in the history books: we will fight to protect our people and our oil, but if the rest of the world wants to engage in slaughter, that is the rest of the world's business?"
"Bosnia is not unique. We live in a world in which are committed unspeakable atrocities every day. These, too, are tests of our integrity -- of our belief in the existence of principles that transcend our self-interest and of our willingness to act consistently with those principles. And day by day, still appalled by our experience in Vietnam, we fail those tests."
"I tremble for my country."
He is right. But once again we have to sort the baby from the bathwater. Earlier in his book he writes against patriarchy. He says, "Modern feminists since Betty Friedan have powerfully exposed the ways in which the so-called traditional marriage can be stultifying for women." He is "surprised" though that so many women still continue to "prefer 'traditional' marriage, in which the husband is the head of the household -- and some studies suggest that the number in the second category is actually growing." He says he has no preference for any kind of marriage. But he goes on to denigrate the patriarchal home. He writes: "The notion that the husband is head of the household, in the sense of being absolutely in charge, is common to nearly every culture on earth. And the risk is always the same: without the existence of restraints, the power will tend to corrupt. In many cultures, and in fairly recent history in the United States, the right to beat one's wife for her defiance has been considered a part of the power of the husband as head." He goes on to say that absolute power corrupts absolutely and so we shouldn't be surprised that when men get power over their wives they beat them. He writes he is, "a believing Christian, and thus a member of a faith that has too often restricted the ability of women to use their God-given gifts in the world .... Consider the image of the traditional marriage presented by St. Paul, most notably in his letter to the Ephesians: 'For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church.' As a Christian who believes in a divinely inspired Bible, I am constrained to take this language seriously rather than to pretend, as some critics would prefer, that it doesn't exist."
He says this doesn't apply though because "too many men ... became corrupted by power .... The office of head of household thus had to lose its integrity in the unfair world that we have all built. The greater the power that one possesses, the less the likelihood that one will do the hard work of discernment on which all integrity, religious or secular, ultimately rests." He says "religious conservatives" must see the rightness of feminists who want to end men as being heads of the household.
I believe that the reason America was so slow in coming to the aid of Bosnia is because of the prevailing view that men are not the head of the house. If men are weak in the home, then they will be weak outside the home. Stephen Carter wants America to use its power to stop genocide in Bosnia and for men to not have power in the home. But you can't have weak feminist men in the home and strong men outside the home.
Carter points out many things wrong with America. For example, he says that "nobody wants to be the one to say that the retirees who receive Social Security payments are, for the most part, receiving not a return on an investment but direct subventions from the payments being made by today's workers toward their own retirements -- which, if done by a private investment firm, would be an illegal pyramid scheme." I argue that America has turned toward government insanities instead of the church and free enterprise because men gave up their role as patriarch, protector and provider of women. Men in the twentieth century gave women the vote. They gave up their power that Stephen Carter fears so much. But women in power is worse than men in power. Women have created an atmosphere of government. They do not understand the meaning of war and the free market. They are impatient in the market place and too patient against evil aggressors. Women do not belong in leadership in the public sphere. The most they should do publicly is help in charitable organizations.
America has reached rock bottom when we see a feminist First Lady Hillary Clinton working long hours every day for such projects as nationalizing health care to the wife of our leading conservative politician, Senator Bob Dole, who has never had children or adopted any and who pledged to go back to her job and will continue her career if she is First Lady. At least Hillary stays in the White House and takes her role seriously. Elizabeth Dole could care less. I can't think of a more damaging image than the First Lady going to a job to earn some big paycheck. Feminism truly rules.
President Clinton speaking through his Secretary of Defense has stated publicly that he will defend South Korea. This is the core providential responsibility of the President. Would Bob Dole do that? I wonder. Clinton's popularity went up when he sent troops into Bosnia and the Republicans went down when they opposed him. Maybe heaven is on the side of Clinton because of his stronger stand against international bullies. The Doles are looking a lot more feminist than the Clintons. And God hates feminism. Clinton looks like the lesser of two evils. What a glorious day it will be when we have leadership that doesn't cross the line -- strong on using force on aggressors and strong on fighting the temptation to use force to socialize the country.