The following is from the website:
This makes for a glass ceiling in
womens military careers and a clear case of
discrimination. In from top to bottom a male-dominated military
establishment persists in its repression and
persecution of women, and it conspires to protect the few
remaining male-only units in thename of a conservative
male culture that cannot come to terms with the
presence of women in ranks.Francke
claims Former Congresswomen Schroeder An article in Stars and Stripes reported that one woman was evacuated from Bosnia for pregnancy every three days Finally, proponents claims that the modern battlefield nullifies our current definition of combat are unfounded. The idea that modern technology reduces warfare to pushing buttons and targeting the enemy from miles away, thus reducing the amount of physical strength required for combat, is too simplistic. According to one Army physiologist, Pat Schroeder can say what she wants, but a ninety pound shell casing is still a ninety pound shell. No matter how technological war has become it still will be grueling, and remember, despite all of the smart-bombs and advanced weapons, troops on the ground were still required to forcibly remove the Iraqi army from Kuwait. History dictates that marching troops into another countrys capitol and hoisting their flag is the only way to truly win wars. Two problems arise with women in combat that
uneducated idealists try to deny. One, women as a
whole, lack the physical ability to handle combat, and two,
women will never escape their own sexuality. These
are the facts and they are undisputed. Women offer little
tothe readiness and effectiveness of ground combat units.
Lowering standards and conductingsensing surveys to prove
women will be successful in a combat unit will all be
worthless when the bullets are flying and G.I. Jane
is too afraid to lay on suppressive fires or too tired to
hump a 100 pound rucksack to the objective. It is
unfortunate that the military is so dominated by the
politically correct mentality that it has to succumb to
theinane ideologies of an ignorant minoritythat hold to
promoting blind equality. War is, and, never was about
equality. It has always been about survivability, and
to survive on the battlefield you must have the strongest,
most efficient army, not the fairest and most
diverse. |
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that had the following excerpts from the website:
By John Luddy
Policy Analyst John Luddy is a Legislative Assistant forSen. James M. Inhofe, R-Okla.
As the Navy, Congress, and the American people
consider the now notorious "Tailhook" sexual
misconduct case, perspective is required. Twenty-six
women have charged that they weresexually assaulted by a
number of officers at last September's annual convention of
the Tailhook Association, the professional
organization of naval and marine aviators. If the charges
turn out to be true, then those guilty should be
punished to the fullest extent of the law. Sexual
misconductrepresents a grave breach of professionalism and
has no place in the military. However, the uproar
This is going too far. Concern about eradicating sexual misconduct in the military should not be allowed to destroy the very reason for the military's existence: to protect the security of all Americans. The culprits, if they are guilty, should be punished, but the Navy as a whole should not be condemned. Nor should the Navy be forced to embark on some social experiment -- by putting women in combat positions, for example -- which not only will do nothing to stop sexual misconduct, but will also weaken the team cohesiveness and fighting ability that is the key to winning battles and wars. Tailhook and its Aftermath. The Tailhook saga began
last September in Las Vegas at the convention of the
Tailhook Association, named for the device t Tailhook and Congress. The initial congressional
response to the Tailhook affair is damaging the
morale and combat effectiveness of the Navy. From June 4
to July 2, Congress delayed the promotions of roughly
4,500 Navy and Marine officers above the rank of Navy Lt.
Commanderand Marine Corps Major in order to determine
whether any of them was involved in the Tailhook
incident. Many changes of command were postponed, including
those for the forces responsible for the waters off
Yugoslavia, and the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where
thousands of Haitian refugees are currently being housed
and processed. The HouseAppropriations Committee, chaired by
Pennsylvania Democrat John P. Murtha, on June 29 voted
to Representative Schroeder meanwhile has tried to use the outcry over Tailhook to bolster her case for placing women in combat positions. For example, in a June 28 interview on Cable News Network concerning the Tailhook incident, Schroeder criticized the Navy's handling of theissue, implying that the real problem was the unequal treatment of women. She said: "If you're the best for the job and you want the job, you get it... ," meaning, of course, a combat job. The idea of Schroeder and other liberal lawmakers seems to be that the military is the proper place for social engineering, no different from any other workplace, and perfectly suitable toapplying the feminist principles of absolute equality between the sexes. Represenative BarbaraBoxer, the California Democrat, said in a June 28 television interview concerning the Tailhookcontroversy: "The thing about the military is, it has always been a place for opportunity, first for people of color -- they broke the color barrier -- and then for women. We have more work to dohere and in other areas, but we've got to make sure we move forward." Moving forward for Boxer, of course, is putting women into combat. In her view, the military is more important as a vehicle for curing social ills than as a fighting machine. Unfortunately, military leaders are showing signs of caving into the kind of pressure generated by Schroeder and Boxer. Example: When asked whether the problem of misconduct would be solved by placing more women on ships, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Frank Kelso, replied on June 28 that hewas waiting for the report of the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, which is due in November. He failed to speak out against placing women incombat. In fact, in several appearances before this Commission, not a single senior Navy officer has argued strongly against allowing women into combat. Example: Rear Admiral Leonard N. Oden, the commander of the Naval Training Center in Orlando, Florida, describes an experimental co-educational "boot camp" for recruits as incredibly successful. Mixed gender recruit platoons are outperforming their all-male counterparts in training. But peacetime training is far removed from combat. The fact that the sexes have separate sanitary and housing facilities, totally impossible to accomplish in combat units or aboard combat ships in war, is not made clear. Military Leaders Must Hold the Line. In this emotionally charged atmosphere, the Navy's leaders must follow three courses of action. They must: 1) expeditiously but fairly investigate and punish those who are found guilty in the Tailhook case; 2) continue vigorously their support for the "zero tolerance" policy toward sexual misconduct that was developed in 1989; and 3) forcefully explain to Congress and the American public why women should not be allowed in combat. Women do not belong in combat for several reasons. There is a risk that physical standards for combat training will be compromised if women are allowed into combat positions where those standards are critically important, such as in the infantry and in special operations units. There is also the disruption of the military's mission that will result from the pregnancy of female troops in combat positions.
If Schroeder and other feminists want to solve the
sexual misconduct problem in the military, the last
thing they should do is advocate putting women into combat.
Female soldiers will be taken prisoner and sexually
abused by enemy forces. This is precisely what happened to
Maj. Rhonda Cornum when she was taken captive by the
Iraqis during the Persian Gulf War. She was, she
later acknowledged, "violated manually -- vaginally and
rectally." It makes little sense to exposewomen to new and
even more horrific threats in the name of protecting them
from their own American colleagues. |