Phyllis Schlafly wrote about the Hultgreen incident: "A hidden
system of affirmative action double
standards in the U.S. Navy does not benefit anybody. It can send
courageous young women like Kara Hultgreen to her death. It is unjust
to the men who are passed over for assignment. Worst of all, the
integrity and morale of the Navy are casualties when they see their
senior officers acquiesce in the feminists' demands, cover up their
mistakes, and then lie about what they are doing."
We will end this discussion of women in combat with some articles and quotes from some who see the total folly in the feminist agenda of women in combat:
Phyllis Schlafly wrote the following that we saw at her website
Will the next President put a stop to social engineering in the military, mixed-gender basic training, dumbed-down standards and gender-norming to accommodate the physical capabilities of women, redefining "combat" to accommodate the feminist policy of assigning women to combat duty, lying about "equality" in the armed services, destroying the careers of male officers who dare to tell the truth, and putting women in places where they don't belong such as on submarines? |
The Feminization of the U.S. Military August 11,
1999 Every service except the Marines is falling short of
its recruitment goals. Our most experienced pilots are
leaving in unprecedented numbers, and even large cash
inducements can't prevail on them to reenlist. Raising the pay of our service personnel and buying
them glitzier equipment won't remedy the problems any more
than additional money poured into poor schools is improving
education. The most serious problems are the feminization of the
military and U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts that bear
no relation to American national security. Other
morale-lowering problems are the court- martialling of
honorable servicemen for such offenses as refusing to wear a
United Nations uniform and refusing to be "shot" with the
experimental, controversial anthrax vaccine. Add to this list of problems the career-ending
punishment of a serviceman with a superior record because he
objected to spending 48 hours secluded with a female not his
wife. Whatever happened to common sense, as well as
standards of honor, morality, and patriotism? For 25 years,
the feminists have been demanding a gender-neutral military.
What they really want is for feminists to give the orders,
with the men cowed into submission, and Bill Clinton is
helping them to pursue their goal. Gender-integrated basic training has resulted in lower
standards, more injuries to women, more resentment among
men, and scandalous examples of rape and sexual harassment.
Only the Marines have not yet fallen for the idiocy of
integrated basic training. In 1997, a Pentagon commission headed by former
Senator Nancy Kassebaum-Baker called for sex-segregated
basic training. She served the ball right up over the plate,
but the Republican Congress struck out, created another
commission stacked with feminists, and caved in to their
demand to continue coed basic training. At Minot Air Force Base, N.D., the practice is to send
two officers down to the base of the missile silo, where
they spend 24 to 48 hours secluded in a space about the size
of a school bus, with one bed and one bathroom behind a
curtain. The Minot missile force has 250 men and 83 women,
resulting in the high probability of mixed-gender two-person
crews. Lt. Ryan Berry, a Catholic and married, objected to
being so cozy for so long with a woman not his wife. He was
punished by his commanding officer, who spouted the feminist
mantra that "equal opportunity" is the Air Force's top
priority. The latest foolishness is the Navy toying with the
notion of putting female sailors on submarines. Navy
Secretary Richard Danzig floated this terrible idea in a
June 3 speech to the Naval Submarine League when he warned
the submarine force that it was in danger of remaining a
"white male bastion" and ought to get in step with the rest
of society. The Navy has already sent some female officer
candidates on unprecedented two-day-and-night "career
orientation" trips aboard submarines. The close quarters and
psychological strain of submarines are even more unsuited
for coed coziness than the coed tents which the U.S. Army
uses for our "peacekeeping" forces in Bosnia. On attack submarines, three men often share a single
"hot bunk" in rotation. It's hard to say which option would
be more destructive of submarine teamwork and morale: a "hot
bunk" menage a trois or giving female sailors preferred,
exclusive accommodations. We already know from Lt. Berry's case that "equal
opportunity" for women means indiscriminate assignment that
flouts common sense, the realities of human nature, the
dignity of marriage, and respect for the wives at
home. The purpose of the military is to defend Americans
against the bad guys of the world. The warrior culture, with
tough, all-male training, is what attracts young men into
the armed services and motivates them to sacrifice personal
comfort and safety while serving their country in
uniform. It's no wonder that the services can't fill their
recruitment goals for a feminized military. Dumbing down the
physical and psychological requirements so that Clinton's
political appointees and the medaled brass can continue to
tell us that women and men are performing equally is
destructive of morale for many reasons, not the least of
which is that it is a lie. Although the Constitution gives Congress the
responsibility "to make rules for the government and
regulation of the land and naval forces," most of this
destructive social experimentation to create a
gender-neutral military has been implemented, not by law,
but by executive orders and regulations. We need a real man
in the White House with the courage to stand up against the
radical feminists. Which one of our aspiring Commanders-in-Chief will
promise to overturn the feminist agenda and rebuild our
once-great military into what it used to be: a fighting
force that can defend America? Phyllis Schlafly column 8-11-99
though the voters elected a President who said he "loathes"
the military, we couldn't have imagined back in 1992 how
much damage Bill Clinton would actually do. Now we wonder if
our once-great military can survive another year and a half
of our most embarrassing Commander-in-Chief.