Andrew Wilson on Theocracy
Casino is a long-time American leader in the UC. Another leader
is Andrew Wilson. He has a Ph.D. from Harvard and has worked
for years from his office at the headquarters for the UC as a writer
and scholar. He says of Casino's article: "I agree that
Unificationism supports democracy as the ideal form of
government." He goes on to say, "Casino includes in his article
an excellent excursus on 'Anti-Democratic Quotes' and points out the
difficulties of translation, particularly of the extemporaneous
translations used in a sermon setting. In this regard, I want
to throw some light on the infamous quote 'We must have an automatic
theocracy to rule the world' from Master Speaks, "The Significance of
the Training Session," given at Belvedere on May 17, 1973. In
1984, in connection with a court case in the United Kingdom, I had
the paragraph in which that quotation appears transcribed from a tape
of that sermon and carefully translated from the transcribed Korean
text. Mrs. Won Pok Choi's original extemporaneous translation,
the Korean text, and the translation of that text appear on the next
We're not going to type out and show you the different versions. Let's go on to Wilson's comments on them: "Four points about this passage and its translations stand out. First, it is evident that Mrs. Choi's extemporaneous translation diverges from the Korean text at many points. As expert linguists have noted, a single passage taken from such translations cannot be relied upon unless it is supported by many other passages and is in line with the general trend of thought."
"Second, the impression in 'Master Speaks' that the Rev. Moon seeks to organize his own political party to defeat Communism and rule the world is false. He actually said that he wanted to organize a coalition of Christians into a political force in order to dissuade people from Communism. In fact he has done this through CAUSA and AFC, joining with like-minded Christians to form a formidable conservative force in American politics. His method -- coalition building -- is entirely consistent with his respect for democracy."
"Third, the Reverend Moon never said 'we must have an automatic theocracy to rule the world.' Instead what he said was: 'God is active in the realization of all human affairs,' surely not a controversial statement."
"Fourth, the phrase in Master Speaks 'the sons of God must rule the world' is again a misquotation. What the Rev. Moon actually said was that democracies should 'produce a succession of uncorrupt politicians.'"
"Thus, a retranslation from Master Speaks demonstrates that, in this case, the accusation is utterly baseless."
Dan Fefferman
A long time leader in the UC is Dan Fefferman. He writes that the UC has been predominately focused on anti-communism for most of its life. Now that communism is declining, the UC needs to focus on social issues. That is the job of the members. Rev. Moon does not focus on all the mundane issues that people debate. He doesn't comment on the raging debate over minimum wage or how we should reform the tax code. He is the Messiah who speaks about his revelations from God on the very core of life -- the family. His speeches are meant to explain the basic values of life, such as the nature of God, what masculinity and femininity mean, and how human history has been guided by God to reach His goal of a unified ideal world. His speeches are usually about religious issues. He explains who Jesus is and what the Bible means. When he speaks to congressman in the Capitol or members of the Politburo in Moscow he speaks philosophically.
Fefferman writes, "in the midst of our anti-Communist efforts,
we have not yet taken the time to carefully define our positions on
domestic policy issues. We brought important, sometimes essential,
elements to the anti-Communist coalitions in which we engaged:
youthful enthusiasm, plenty of warm bodies for rallies, an ideology
which transcended mere nationalism and emphasized love, and
(especially in the last decade) money. But when we look around
ourselves now, and ask 'What do we Unificationists believe about the
issues?' -- abortion, affirmative action, the budget, the courts,
deficit spending, drugs, education, the environment, foreign aid, the
military, monetary policy, pornography, prayer in schools, taxes,
trade policy, welfare -- we find our social vision still somewhat
unclarified. While it may be easy to agree, for instance, that
abortion is wrong and prayer is good, we may find it more difficult
to achieve a consensus regarding what the government should do about
abortion or prayer in public schools. Yet it is essential that
we begin to define our positions on the entire range of social
concerns which affect this country and the world if we are to retain
the vital prophetic character of Unificationism as a
religious and social movement. Moreover, we are already
committed to social activism through our participation in a variety
of institutions and coalitions, such as the Washington Times,
the American Constitution Committee, The American Freedom Coalition,
CAUSA, the Washington Institute, and others. If we do not bring
to these efforts a clear understanding of where we as a movement
stand on the issues, we will be led by practically anyone with vision
and commitment on his or her own issues of most intimate
He says the UC must define "Unificationist social theory. In the spirit of what Unificationists call the 'Children's Course" it is up to us, ourselves, to accomplish this work. We cannot afford ot wait to let others do it for us." After many years of study and prayer we have written this book that we feel addresses many of the social issues Mr. Fefferman mentions.