There are plenty of books like Conway's out there that
are scared spitless that the Right may stop their regulating. Hassan
thanks Chip Berlet in one of his books. Berlet is one of these
anti-Right wing nuts that goes ballistic over
One of his books is titled Eyes Right!: Challenging the Right Wing
Backlash. Sara Diamond's Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of
the Christian Right is another. Robert Parry is still another of
these crusading Leftists who write against Father because they see a
political Hitler on the rise along with every other conservative. In
his book Fooling America he writes, "Besides financing a
virulent brand of right-wing journalism, The Washington Times
and Moon's cult had institutionalized a means of buying influence for
its extremist points of view." Of course, Parry is not extremist, but
a wellspring of truth and balance.
Conway, Diamond and Hassan always inform their readers about Congressman Donald Frazer's hearings about how he tried to find some connection between the UC and the Korean CIA. The whole thing was a bust but Hassan and company think they see some conspiracy afoot to hurt America when the truth is that he is the best thing that has ever happened to America.
Anti-cultists are all the same in their ridiculousness. The Right is not perfect and make mistakes, but they are light years ahead of the Left. Falwell and Moon are friends and so Father is usually mentioned in these books. Hassan genuinely thinks Father spends a billion dollars on the conservative Washington Times to butter up and love bomb the Right for some stupid reason that he is psychotic and needs to buy friends. But the truth is that the Messiah is involved in areas of life and politics is important. God worked through the Founding Fathers and God is working through the conservatives to keep this country from going under. The Founding Fathers feared that if this country would not be seriously religious and respectful of religions like the Boy Scouts teach then America wouldn't deserve to exist. Hassan, Conway and company trash the sacred virtues of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Adams and all those great men who learned from history. America is in the grip of an intense cultural war. Ultimately, we learn in the Divine Principle, that God wins. It is like the tortoise and hare. The tortoise is about to win.
Leaders on God's side in general are attacked by their opponents as being heartless martinets who live in the lap of luxury while their slaves suffer some pathetic, sad, sycophant, demeaning life where their talents are not used and they are led like cattle in some nightmare 1984.
Hassan and company whine constantly like immature children about how charismatic leaders break up families. What does Valley Forge look like? Washington had his wife, Martha, with him in a cabin where he had heat and food. His sheep-like followers, were so stupid and duped that they willingly suffered and thousands died being barefoot in the snow. Their wives were alone and suffering and these zombies did not get paid. The war went on for seven long years. All this time, is Washington and his rag-tag army in the majority? No. Most people were Tories and sided with the British against these traitors. Washington and Jefferson were leaders in a crusade against the greatest power on earth -- the British Empire. Lincoln led America in a bloodbath civil war. Half of America hated his guts. There has been a civil war in families over religion and politics since time began. Catholics and Protestants don't need any help from cults to kill each other decade after decade in Ireland. There is no sense of perspective in Hassan and company.
If we take the criteria of Hassan types
then even the three greatest men in American history would be cult
leaders. There
are monuments to these men in Washington, D.C. -- the Washington,
Jefferson and Lincoln monuments. In the book, First
Mothers, we read how Washington and Jefferson had contempt for
their mothers who did not see their greatness. Lincoln had a
jerk for a Father and did not go to his deathbed because he said it
would be worse if they they saw each other. We read, "Acclaimed for
his exemplary character and sense of duty, Washington was a loving
and devoted husband to his wife, the much-admired Martha. Yet
historians agree that his mother, Mary Ball Washington, was a
lifelong source of irritation to her firstborn son, 'The strangest
mystery of Washington's life was his lack of affection for his
mother,' Douglas Southall Freeman asserted in his definitive
biography. 'Added years and understanding brought no improvement in
his relations with her ... apparently he did not write her even once
during the war. Historian Margaret Bassett tartly characterized Mary
Washington as 'a woman of small intelligence and great complaints
[who] gave him a hard time all her long life."
"In happy contrast, Martha, wrote Washington scholar James Flexner, 'created for George what he had yearned for but not possessed since he was a little child; a happy home.' ... Martha was never comfortable with her rebarbative mother-in-law. Add to that Mary's unkempt appearance, which was a constant embarrassment to her fastidious son. A more profound offense would have been his mother's lack of support for independence, the great cause he was willing to die for. If Mary, a Tory at heart, felt pride in the son who to this day is revered around the world, there is no record of it; to the contrary, in letters she denigrated his achievements. Small wonder then, as Douglas Southall Freeman observed, 'From her renowned son in his manhood Mary Ball Washington never elicited the warm love a man usually has for his mother.'"
Jefferson's mother
"The second icon on Mount Rushmore, Thomas Jefferson, was like Washington, the complete Virginia gentleman -- and distant from his mother, London-born Jane Randolph Jefferson. Though he shared her home until he was twenty-seven years old, she is scarcely mentioned in his voluminous personal records.... Like Mary Ball Washington, Jane Randolph Jefferson never expressed support for the colonists' cause, and her own family was sharply divided over the issue."
"Abraham Lincoln reached the White House on the wings of 'my angel mother,' Nancy Hanks, an unschooled woman from Kentucky backwoods who died when he was ten. 'All that I am or hope ever to be I get from my mother,' he declared in tribute and in oblique defense against malicious gossip about her. Though he was devoted to his stepmother, he coldly rejected his father, refusing to go to his bedside in his final illness. 'Say to him,' he instructed his stepmother, 'that if we could meet now, it is doubtful whether it could not be more painful than pleasant.'" The lesson here is that we have to be careful about listening to parent's anguish about their adult children's decisions.