World Government
"Everything was
in clear black and white. 'I do not believe that the secret of the
bomb should be given to the Soviet Union. .... The secret of the bomb
should be committed to a world government, and the United States
should immediately announce its readiness to do so. Such a world
government should be established by the United States, the Soviet
Union. and Great Britain, the only three powers which possess great
military strength.'"
"...being able to make useful impact on the situation which was deteriorating still further in the I950s."
"To the end he devoted himself to the cause of world government, the only hope, as he saw it, of avoiding a war whose devastation, he appears to have known soon after 1945, would be the result of weapons whose power would be infinitely more destructive than those of the first primitive nuclear bombs."
Two typical
incidents give clues to his unaffected love of children and to his
ability to make real contact with them, as with most laymen, a
characteristic that formed part of his strength. Eugene Wigner
(Wigner went to several of Rev. Moon's science conferences), one of
the world's leading physicists and a friend of Einstein at Princeton,
has recalled that when his wife took a folder of papers to Einstein's
home, he asked her about the Wigner children. 'She had to admit that
they had chicken pox and according to local regulations were not
allowed to leave the car,' Wigner has written. "Einstein said at
once, 'Oh, I did have chicken pox myself, seeing them won't hurt me.'
And he went down and had a nice conversation with the two. They long
remembered it (and my wife doubts very much that he knew what chicken
pox was).'"
"But there was more to it than that. Einstein himself
subsequently made two comments on
his work in Berne. When he took up the post he wrote to his friend
Habicht that it would give him 'besides eight hours of work . . .
eight hours of idleness plus a whole Sunday.' And half a century
later, on his seventienth birthday, he wrote that the formulation of
patent statements had been a blessing. 'It gave me,' he said, 'the
opportunity to think about physics. Moreover, a practical profession
is a salvation for a man of my type; an academic career compels a
young man to scientific production, and only strong characters can
resist the temptation of superficial analysis.'"
"...into choosing a 'profitable profession' rather than becoming a scientist, he blutly replied, 'I was supposed to choose a practical profession, but this was simply unbearable to me.' Thus although the horse had now been brought the water in Zuich nothing could make it drink. But the principal of the ETH, Albin Herzog, had been impressed by Einstein's mathematical ability."
If there
are 5 sites looking at the stars in 1919 -- Africa, Brazil, etc. Then
this could symbolize the #5 meaning Earth and the fact they were all
over the world signifies that this was a worldwide event. Also, I
think the planet Mercury was a puzzle to newtonian physics and
Einstein's theory explained it. Mercury is the God of messenger?
Message to the world! The Divine Principle. Truth.
Science magazine in March 26, 1920 wrote about the astronomers who studied the eclipse. They give the names of the astronomers who went to the "five principal stations." They write that Mr. D. M. Wise was in charge of the site at Sobral, Brazil. I can't help but comment about how there were three "wise" men who looked at the stars to find the first messiah. Eddington led the British Astronomical Party at the site in Africa.
They write that Dr. Abbot, of the Smithsonian Institution, was the leader of the group in La Paz, Bolivia said it was a magnificent site and an amazing experience for him:
"Taking into
account the great length and beauty of the coronal streamers, the
splendid crimson prominence throwing its glory over all, and the fact
that the eclipse was observed so near sunrise from so great an
elevation as 14,000 feet, with a snow-covered range of mountains
upwards of 20, 000 feet high as a background for the phenomenon, it
seemed to the observers to be the grandest eclipse phenomenon which
they had ever seen."
The magazine says, "The British astronomers were thus exceedingly fortunate in being able to make their observations during a solar eclipse when there was an exceptionally rich field of bright stars, the Hyades, close to the sun."
They praised the British team because they had to work while WWI was going on, "the preparations and securing of the requisite instrumental equipments were undertaken during the stress of the great war, everyone will surely agree that the Astronomer Royal of England and British observers are heartily to be congratulated upon the splendid results of their labors."
Astronomical Puzzle About Mercury Solved
They write
that Einstein's theory explained one of the great questions
astronomers had about the planet Mercury: "As a further proof of the
Einstein theory of gravitation has been cited the very satisfactory
way in which the theory accounts for the outstanding motion of the
perihelion of mercury, characterized by the late Professor Simon
Newcomb as one of the greatest of astronomical puzzles."
The eclipse of 1919 lasted almost seven minutes. It was a total eclipse, not anncilar. To confirm Einstein, it was necessary to photograph the stars near the sun and they would only be visible in a total eclipse.
Something about seven stars -- two came as in which 7 plates showed 7 stars and 16 plates showed 12 stars.
The eclipse was May 29, 1919. It took only 9 months for
Einstein to go from being known by
the wise men who felt he was right by the data they got at their
observation posts until he was known by every person around the world
-- the man in the street was excited about the "new messiah" -- "the
new world." Nine months from May 29, 1919 is February 29, 1920. The
Messiah was born on February 24, 1920. People are not born always and
exactly nine months after conception. Isn't it amazing that within
five days of being exactly 9 months Rev. Moon was conceived close to
if not on May 29, 1919 and was born nine months later. At the time
when he was conceived, some of the wisest men in the world were
looking at the stars to confirm Einstein's theory that would
revolutionize this world by giving it the technology of television
and nuclear power that would enable mankind
hear the truth and see the Messiah on television. In February, 1920,
right at the time when Father was born the entire world became
excited about what these wise men had seen in the stars. This was
preparation for Sun Myung Moon. The parallels between what the
astronomers went through and what God was going through is
fascinating. The astronomers conceived their scientific data on May
26, 1919 and then had to wait about nine months to find out what it
meant. It was nine months of anticipation. Can you imagine how God
and Rev. Moon's parents were feeling about the nine months they were
going through? God was on pins and needles just Eddinton, Einstein
and all the other scientists in anticipation of the greatest event in
history. For the scientists, this was the
greatest event in science. For God, it was the birth of his champion.
God was behind and inspiring scientists like Einstein and Eddington
to make their discoveries so that there could be a technology that
the messiah would use to teach mankind the truth. All mankind could
even see him on television. The Bible says that there will be
lightning from east to west. Lightning means television and now the
internet. There has been so much technological advancement since 1920
because the messiah is on the earth.
Only by the Divine Principle do we know why such a thing happened. Physical world came first then man. Extend physical first then spirit. Physical truth then spiritual truth. TV's first then truth on them. Satan invades TV first -- sitcoms, premarital sex, Seinfeld.
In Science magazine, March 12, 1920 had an article titled "Einstein's Law of Gravitation" by Professor J. S. Ames. He was a professor at Johns Hopkins University and wrote that he did not pay serious attention to Einstein but now feels "all the" enthusiasm of the discovery of a new land": "While Einstein's work may be known to many of you either in its original form or in one of the two papers mentioned, I fear that the attention of most of us was first directed seriously to the matter by the articles in the newspapers to which I have referred. I confess that I was one of those who had postponed any serious study of the subject, until its immense importance was borne in upon me by the results of the recent eclipse expedition. I have all the enthusiasm of the discoverer of a new land, and feel compelled to describe to you what I have learned."
Many scientists were beside themselves with excitement when the results were announced at the beginning of 1920. By February, 1920, Einstein was a household name worldwide. In the January 1920 issue of the magazine Current Opinion, there was an article titled, "The Most Sensational Event In Physics Since Newton."
They begin by saying, "The eclipse expeditions that brought back from Bazil last year photographs verifying the so-called Einstein effect have ... made an end of the universe that we took for granted since Newton's day."
of the Gods
They write about the planet Mercury: "Astronomers were attracted by the Einstein theory, since it explained an anomaly which had puzzled them for many years. The tiny planet Mercury, owing to its nearness to the sun, has the greatest speed of any planet (whence the ancients personified it as 'The messenger of the gods')."