In the
book, Utopia In Power, we read that the leaders of the White
Army wrote their "Objectives": "On December 4, 1918, the constitution
of the Volunteer Army was published. It recognized the laws in effect
on Russian territory before October, 25, 1917; that is, it recognized
the February revolution, and it guaranteed freedom of religion, the
press, and assembly and the inviolability of private property. On
November 18, 1918, Admiral Kolchak declared in his first appeal to
the population that his main aim was 'the creation of an effective
army, the defeat of bolshevism, and the establishment of law and
order so that people can freely choose the form of government they
desire and put into effect the great ideas of liberty that are now
being proclaimed throughout the world.'"
When WWI ended in November, 1918, Kolchak and other anti-Bolsheviks formed their White Army. The allies sided with Kolchak but they never supported fully and they were ever united and committed in fighting Lenin. There were many different armies from different nations at that time. There were tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers, 7,500 Americans, many Canadians, Italians, French, British and Czech. Lenin was united and determined and overcame all of the forces against him because they were weak from their disunity. Also Lenin was absolutely cruel and effective with propaganda: "This mixture of utopian promises and ruthless mass terror produced an explosive compound enabling the Bolshevik party to blast its ways to victory in the civil war. A crucial factor in this process was the presence of a leader who knew how much of each component to put into the mix, depending on the needs of the moment.
Some of the leaders in Russia tried their best to teach President Wilson, the Congress, and the American people how important it was to fight Lenin. Books on this event go into detail on all the communications they made trying to influence public opinion especially Wilson and the Congress. In the end the American government and the American people did not do what God wanted them to do. Even though everyone was war weary America was supposed to rise to the occasion and fight an even more deadly enemy. America in the 20th century has consistently failed to measure up to its responsibility as God's champion -- superpower. It just breaks your heart to read how passionately the few voices for God were.
In the book Intervention At Archangel, the author gives
much of the history of how some
of these voices spoke out against the diabolical enemy the Russian
people were facing. This is an example of one of those voices:
"DeWitt Clinton Poole, the American charge d'affaires at Archangel,
who had spent almost a year in Moscow as the senior American
representative there and who was well able (through daily contact
with the Soviet leaders as well as through observation on two
extensive trips in Soviet-help territory) to form his opinion on the
nature of Bolshevism, expressed his indignation at the Prinkipo
proposal and his support of the anti-Bolshevik cause in an eloquent
telegram in which he said in part:"
"I have given all there is in me to reveal, and possibly thereby slightly to abate, the utter wickedness of much the Bolsheviks have done and are still doing, in the thought that I might be contributing in some slight way to better the world's affairs. Knowing as I do, possibly better than any other American, the complete unmorality of the Bolshevik leaders -- though the aspirations of a few be sincere -- and the demoralization which their cynicism and cruelty work upon those whom they lead, I can not in honesty or self-respect do other than protest against any course of action which does not take unmistakable account of these facts. . . . Affairs at Archangel are critical."
Leonid Strakhovsky wrote another book called, American Opinion About Russia 1917-1920. He writes that America is to isolationistic. George Washington was wrong when he said that America should not be so involved internationally. The founding fathers were not perfect. He goes into detail showing the course of public opinion towards the Russian Civil War. One of the most outspoken newspapers who had constant editorials speaking strongly for US intervention to help Kolchak was the New York Times. For example they wrote once, "we do assert that there is one single, simple, utterly uncomplex fact in it. That is the fact that if we let Russia go the way she is headed, the world is doomed. On the salvation of Russia, whether she likes it or not, depends the salvation of all of us." The Times lashed out at Wilson for being wishy-washy and not giving clear direction to fight. The troops in north Russia were confused as they fought a bitter war with the Red Army. In the end it became like Vietnam where parents started visiting Congressman who in turn denounced our involvement. Eventually Satan was able to get America out as he had done with the Vietnam War.
The Times for example would say such strong things as, "Lenin and his colleagues have said that Bolshevism cannot live in Russia alone, have said it so often that even our Government so hard of hearing ought to have caught his meaning by this time. To succeed anywhere Bolshevism must prevail everywhere."
The New York Tribune, "Peace will be unstable while the cancer of organized Bolshevism remains." All this while America's young men were going through hell. One book wrote that it had "bottomless swamps and clouds of mosquitos in the summer. During the winter months homesickness and melancholia were induced by the short days and temperatures as low as 53 below zero. The food ration, consisting primarily of black tea, hardtack, and canned willy (corned beef), also left much to be desired."
Saturday Evening Post Article
In the Feb 21, 1920 (four days before Sun Myung Moon was born) issue of The Saturday Evening Post, a woman wrote an article about the situation in Archangel. She writes some moving passages trying to touch America's heart and will to help Admiral Kolchak's armed forces and the Russian people. Her husband was Russian and went back to do what he could to help. He got an interview with Kolchak and his wife in America (who was also a Russian and now living in America) wrote what her husband had told her about the desperate situation in Russia.
She writes, "The interview with Kolchak made a great impression on my husband. He was finishing his coffee, looking out of the window, and the admiral sat my husband down opposite him. He was uncommonly nice to one who he felt would be understanding, both of his traditions, habits and life. He complained of the Allies' indecision, also of the Bolshevik armies, who were fighting with extra punch just then."
"Kolchak said he had wished to appeal to America; that by his clamorings he had hoped to bring help in material forms at least -- food, clothes, medicines, ammunition and arms."
"'It will help the Americans themselves, to aid us, for Bolshevism is the world's enemy, and especially against a democracy such as the American Government is. The necessity of the civilized world's hanging together, as against red doctrines, is obvious.'"
"Kolchak soon had another caller come for orders, and my husband had time to look about. Kolchak lives in a tiny house, quite unpretentious in its arrangements, and only the two sentinels at the door mark it or suggest its rank. The supreme commander had no visible servants besides his striker, who waited on him without the least ceremony or formality. Notwhere a sign of luxury."
"Personally he gives an impression of enormous strength, as one meets him or as he sits talking at his desk, leaning forward slightly in his intensity. The rather large square head, face and shoulders impress one with his complete reliability. The eyes and hands are remarkably fine. Impulsive, quick in manner and articulation, he can be very silent too; and is so while listening mast attentively. He has great magnetism, all the qualities and defects of a man who is very big -- honest, loyal, patriotic, with not the least desire to save himself from trouble, danger or responsibility. Always ready to die, and asking nothing but to go on fighting Bolsheviki until the end of either his own life or theirs. It is his one ambition and policy."
"He was so faithful and so patient in the face of far-away allies, who now and then revived his hopes by a promise flung across the seas. Always this was followed by long silence and no action whatever, while Kolchak, between the devil of Bolshevism on the one hand and the deep sea of rising discouragement and misery about him on the other, fought intrigues and poverty, famine and propaganda, reactionary and radical groups; hoping against hope for recognition and relief from without and for calm about him. Recognition by his allies would have meant a new strength to fight the contradictory elements at home; relief would have minimized the sufferings of the needy refugees and population, stamped out illness and dismal misery, aiding the general morale, giving him arguments to quiet all the complaints."
"But nothing came -- save smooth words from missions sent to investigate."
A British officer at Archangel wrote the following to the author saying, "... disease is rife and their are no medicines. The great heart-rendering cry is, Oh, for some warm clothing! For soldiers -- warm underclothes and shirts and socks. For women -- outer garments, underclothes, if fact, everything; children's too, anything to warm their freezing bodies. Thousands of lives depend on these things, so please do what you can for the sake of humanity. No other form of propaganda can do so much for the prestige of civilization as this. Wool, flannel -- any materials sent can be made up in our workroom. We will have the women make up garments, sewing or knitting. It would do your heart good to see how grateful these Russians can be, and are, for what has been done. Russia moans and cries out to the world. She is a living body, and her tortures cannot be looked upon in cold blood as extraordinary. Never before has the world witnessed such an experience in social evolution. Russia is living, and every pore in her body is shedding blood."
Sadly, hundreds of young American men died an agonizing death. In late 1919, Wilson pulled them out against the pleadings of all the generals there. Kolchak was captured by the Red Army. He was taken to the river Ushakovka on February 7, 1920 to be executed. He kept his dignity. They shot him and pushed through a hole in the ice to disappear forever.
On February 21, 1920 at 1:00 pm the 154th Red Infantry Regiment entered Archangel. Lenin had won. Satan had won. Three days later Sun Myung Moon was born -- the greatest anti-communist in the 20th century.