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[t]ranslation of a Chinese term indicating "a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas." Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

Also referred to as Mind Control. Sociologists, cult experts and others are sharply divided on this contentious issue. Some see brainwashing as a plausible explanation of why people join and remain in cults. Others call it "junk science." Brainwashing theories are hotly contested by cult apologists. A more realistic approach is illustrated by Phillip Zimbardo, professor of psychology at Stanford University and a former APA president:

A remarkable thing about cult mind control is that it's so ordinary in the tactics and strategies of social influence employed. They are variants of well-known social psychological principles of compliance, conformity, persuasion, dissonance, reactance, framing, emotional manipulation, and others that are used on all of us daily to entice us: to buy, to try, to donate, to vote, to join, to change, to believe, to love, to hate the enemy.

Cult mind control is not different in kind from these everyday varieties, but in its greater intensity, persistence, duration, and scope. One difference is in its greater efforts to block quitting the group, by imposing high exit costs, replete with induced phobias of harm, failure, and personal isolation. Phillip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D., What Is The Message Behind Today's Cults?

» Apologetics Index Statement regarding brainwashing, deprogramming and exit counseling.

- Articles - The Blacklisting of a Concept: The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion. Note: Article only accessible to subscribers of Nova Religio. Very brief excerpts available on Rick Ross'site. Subtitled "The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion." By Benjamin Zablocki. Argues against polarization and for moderation among those who either support or deny the existence of brainwashing.

I am not personally opposed to the existence of NRMs and still less to the free exercise of religious conscience. I would fight actively against any governmental attempt to limit freedom of religious expression. Nor do I believe it is within the competence of secular scholars such as myself to evaluate or judge the cultural worth of spiritual beliefs or spiritual actions. However, I am convinced, based on more than three decades of studying NRMs through participant-observation and through interviews with both members and ex-members, that these movements have unleashed social and psychological forces of truly awesome power. These forces have wreaked havoc in many lives—in both adults and in children. It is these social and psychological influence processes that the social scientist has both the right and the duty to try to understand, regardless of whether such understanding will ultimately prove helpful or harmful to the cause of religious liberty. Benjamin Zablocki, The Blacklisting of a Concept: The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion.

Social scientists seeking to debunk the brainwashing conjecture have often spoken as if extensive research has already been done on the behavior of cult participants and as if definitive conclusions could now be formed. And, indeed, there has been a great deal published concerning cults in the past ten years. However, a close examination of this vast quantity of writings shows that it is based upon a very skimpy body of actual data. Most of the best research that has been done consists of ethnographic monographs on single NRMs, and all of this remains to be synthesized. The few epidemiological or other comparative and quantitative studies have most often been based upon small sample sizes and unrepresentative samples.69 I also think some researchers have been naive in underestimating the ability of cults to put a favorable spin on research findings by "helping" social science investigators get in touch with subjects to be interviewed. At the other end of the spectrum, samples based upon psychiatric outpatient lists are similarly biased. Benjamin Zablocki, The Blacklisting of a Concept: The Strange History of the Brainwashing Conjecture in the Sociology of Religion.

Blind, Or Just Don't Want To See? "Brainwashing," mystification and suspicion. Shows why and how some try to discredit ex-cult members and reports of brainwashing. Brainwashed! Scholars Of Cults Accuse Each Other Of Bad Faith By Charlotte Allen Brainwashing Entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica Eight Marks of a Mind-Control Cult As outlined by Robert J. Lifton in "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism" Examining CESNUR's Views on Brainwashing A collection of links to information presented by cult apologist organization CESNUR, and articles refuting CESNUR's information. Four Components of Mind Control Article on Steve Hassan's "Resources for Freedom of Mind" site Ideological Totalism A chapter from Robert Jay Lifton's book, "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China." Lifton, a psychiatrist and distinguished professor at the City University of New York, has studied the psychology of extremism for decades. He testified at the 1976 bank robbery trial of Patty Hearst about the theory of "coercive persuasion." "Mind Control" in New Religious Movements: clarifying some issues Exposes CESNUR's (and Massimo Introvigne) misrepresentation of an APA (American Psychological Association) memo (included with article) on "Mind Control" The Mind Control Myth : Is Brainwashing All Wet? Utne Reader reports on the brainwashing debate. Obediance Stanley Milgram's classic "electric shock " experiment, which pitted the subject's moral beliefs against the demands of authority. Overcoming The Bondage Of Victimization A Critical Evaluation of Cult Mind Control Theories. By Bob and Gretchen Passantino, arguing against the concept. Overcoming The Bondage of Revictimization: A Rational/Emperical Defense of Thought Reform by Paul R. Martin, Ph.D., Lawrence A. Pile, Ron Burks, M.A. & Stephen D. Martin, M.Div., arguing for the validity of the Mind Control concept. Psychological Persuasion Techniques From Chapter 7 of Margaret Taler Singer's Book Cults In Our Midst Towards A New Model Of ''Cult Control'' by Robert Vaugh Young

Various ''experts'' can (and do) argue if ''mind control'' or ''brainwashing'' really exists or if we are just talking about various forms of ''influence'' that is found in everything from advertising to conversations. But they can't argue with the fact that there are battered/abused women who stay in abusive situations and there are women who flee and when found by the husband are talked BACK into the very relationship they tried to escape and then it repeats. Towards A New Model Of ''Cult Control'' by Robert Vaugh Young

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Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism : A Study of Brainwashing in China by Robert Lifton

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Archived news items on brainwashing (Includes items added since Oct. 25, 1999. See about this database)

(May 1, 1999) Businesswoman suing church wins application (Apr. 11, 1999) Cult slayings still haunting 10 years later